MAP becomes MAP SPACE COATINGS and renews its logo

We are in the light of the development of our new premises located in Mazères, which represents an additional step in our strategy that focuses on the space market. In fact, our search for continuous improvement relates to our coatings but also to the services we have been offering to our customers.
Le déploiement de notre stratégie de croissance et de pérennisation de notre activité dans le domaine du spatial, au-delà de la construction de notre nouvelle usine, consiste à projeter notre entreprise dans les décennies à venir. Nous avons ainsi souhaité modifier notre identité visuelle afin qu’elle symbolise cette projection vers l’avenir, sans toutefois renier notre histoire. The deployment of our strategy of growth and sustainability of our activity in the space sector, beyond the construction of our new factory, consists in projecting our company into the decades to come. We therefore wanted to take this opportunity to change our visual identity so that it symbolizes this projection into the future, without however denying our history.
Nous avons donc le plaisir de vous présenter notre nouveau logo et notre nouvelle raison sociale, Therefore, we are pleased to present our new logo and our new corporate name, MAP SPACE COATINGS. We can already inform you that our new factory will be located on rue Paul Maes. MAP SPACE COATINGS. Nous pouvons d’ores et déjà vous informer que notre nouvelle usine sera domiciliée rue Paul Maes.
Paul MAES is the founder of MAP SPACE COATINGS Company, but also of MAESTRIA and MAPAERO Companies. He was an entrepreneur at heart, and he knew how to grasp from the first meeting with the pioneers of CNES, the opportunity and the challenges that represented the coatings for the space industry. This illustrious man for the Ariège industry enabled MAP SPACE COATINGS Company to develop and become a key player in the space sector, both in France and worldwide.